He performed his best work in the new tranquil environment, and died there in 1943.
Parts of Tin Shui have a picturesque and tranquil environment.
Four office towers, surrounded by green spaces, parks and plazas, providing a tranquil environment for business.
Besides, she added softly, she needed a tranquil environment for her retirement years.
I had walked this towpath often, valuing its tranquil environment whenever my research called for protracted sessions of hard thought.
The tranquil environment provided by the Maharishi-complete with meditation, relaxation, and away from the media throng-helped the band to relax.
Their mission is to provide a tranquil environment conductive to artistic production and intellectual exchange.
This relatively tranquil environment will surely change soon, as the campaign moves on to the general election.
Not that the 41-year-old musician stops practicing when he reaches this tranquil environment.
Each opens in the tranquil environment of a city restaurant, where a man and a woman sit talking.