May is one of the best times to visit this tiny, wonderfully tranquil island in the Bristol Channel.
In alternating chapters, Morning Girl and her brother, Star Boy, describe their daily lives on a tranquil but not idyllic island.
There's no place in their black hearts for golden beaches and tranquil islands.
Explore the Lake Victoria shoreline, with its small fishing villages and tranquil islands.
The most recent assault came less than two weeks after a Swedish couple were killed in an apparent robbery on the usually tranquil Caribbean island.
There is no crisis on this tranquil island of sand, sun and palm trees.
A stunned silence hung over the boat as we took in our first glimpse of this beautiful and utterly tranquil island.
Between 10am and 4pm the island gets quite busy with foreign tourists but after the last ferry leaves it becomes a tranquil island with only those staying overnight.
The tranquil and peaceful island is an ideal place for swimming, scuba diving and fishing.
We immerse ourselves in Hanoi's teeming market places before escaping to the tranquil islands and emerald waters of stunning Halong Bay.