Some analysts contend that the Daimler-Benz acquisition of Chrysler faltered simply because it was a trans-Atlantic deal.
That shift, however, may open up opportunities for new trans-Atlantic deals - in the other direction.
The bank has made new hires in Europe, and Mr. Golub said he expected an increase in trans-Atlantic deals.
The prospect of a big trans-Atlantic deal comes at a time when foreign takeovers have been political flashpoints in both Washington and Paris.
Previous trans-Atlantic deals have typically involved big British companies whose bids were financed internally or through bank loans.
Many analysts and industry executives assume there will be additional trans-Atlantic deals as European banks struggle to carve out positions in the huge American market.
Dan from Chattanooga says Windstar has some good trans-Atlantic deals for the spring.
A trans-Atlantic deal would be tantamount to a worldwide tariff agreement, such is the economic power of the American and European blocs.
Others have pointed out that the market for trans-Atlantic deals has expanded because investors in the United States are now more receptive to foreign acquirers.
At the Pentagon, officials are hoping to entice European military contractors into trans-Atlantic deals.