"This proposed transaction represents an opportunity to enter an exciting new period of growth and development."
He added that the transaction "represents exceptional value for our shareholders."
When a mutual savings bank decides to sell stock itself, the financial transaction represents a complex shell game.
The $133.5 million transaction represented a major advance for a $1.5 billion program intended to reverse a century of harmful development and drainage.
The transaction represents the biggest magazine deal since the height of the media acquisition market in 1988.
The transaction would represent a marked departure for General Electric.
Such intra-company transactions represented about 17 percent of the nation's imports in recent years.
If concluded, the transaction would represent the largest sale ever of an Israeli-run firm to foreign investors.
The transaction represented the largest private equity buy-out in Indian history.
The bank said that these transactions represent all of the potential problems it may face from the leveraged derivatives business.