The lawsuit, filed in federal court in Houston in 2002, accused Dynegy of misrepresenting its financial results through a series of transactions undertaken in 2001 and known as Project Alpha.
The total volume of all transactions undertaken in an economy represents the broadest possible tax base and therefore requires the lowest flat tax rate to raise any requisite amount of revenue.
But the cooperation agreement and its requirement to turn over documents raises the possibility that other transactions undertaken for other companies will now come to light.
It is one of the largest social security organisations in the India in terms of the number of covered beneficiaries and the volume of financial transactions undertaken.
Dynegy Settles Shareholder Suit Dynegy has agreed to pay $468 million to settle a lawsuit contending that it misrepresented its financial results through a series of transactions undertaken in 2001.
It "argues that virtually every transaction undertaken by an American city-dweller rests on a sturdy foundation of moral turpitude," says Charles Isherwood (and yes, that includes going to the theater).
Specifically, the government has questioned a transaction undertaken in late 1999 by Yum's wholly owned insurer, Glenharney.
The Leventhal report studied 15 transactions undertaken by Lincoln in 1986 and 1987.
This latter distinction refers to the size of the transaction undertaken; lending and borrowing transactions in excess of 100,000 are termed wholesale transactions.
He maintained that the dismissal was retaliation for his having brought "questionable financial transactions undertaken or approved by her" to Ms. Bynoe's attention.