And in "Great Books" as a whole, he reveals the transcendent nature of Western literature.
The acceptance of the idea that the son of God is homoousios to his father, that is, of the same transcendent nature.
With its almost ecstatic empiricism, Whitman's poem celebrates the transcendent nature of everyday sights, both manmade and not.
"For me, it's a movie about the transcendent nature of art and music, and all kinds of high-falutin stuff."
They believed that it would contradict the transcendent nature of God for mere humans to define him.
While landscape painting evokes a transcendent nature, these still lifes suggest a nature more than willing to cooperate with middle-class life.
So much for the transcendent nature of man, she thought bitterly.
It's called "getting high" but that doesn't communicate the transcendent nature of the experience.
Dostoevsky was a great proponent of the transcendent nature of beauty.
The gods (devas) and demons (asuras) of India are the opposite poles of the same transcendent nature.