However, acetylation is not always associated with enhanced transcriptional activity.
Teneurins translocate to the nucleus where they regulate transcriptional activity.
Upon testing all four possible 1752 variants, the 1752A variant had the highest transcriptional activity.
The transcriptional activity of p73 is thereby inhibited via phosphorylation.
However, it can be used for any gene, regardless of transcriptional activity or gene size.
A functional AF-1 is essential for the androgen receptor to have transcriptional activity.
E-box binding proteins play a major role in regulating transcriptional activity.
Interestingly even the -55bp promoter construct retains a low level of transcriptional activity.
Demethylation is associated with decondensation of chromatin and increase in transcriptional activity.
In fig 3B, we examined the transcriptional activity of these p53 constructs.