Tyrosine can also be inhibited at the transcriptional level by the TyrR repressor.
Selective pressures on such traits give rise to differences in expression of these genes either at transcriptional or translational level.
ATF5 expression is regulated at the transcriptional and translational level.
On the transcriptional level, gene expression is regulated by altering transcription rates.
There is direct regulation of this gene at a transcriptional level, leading to repressed NDRG2 expression.
In addition to controlling metabolism at the transcriptional level, sirtuins also directly control the activity of metabolic enzymes.
IL-10 expression is tightly regulated at the transcriptional and post-transcriptional level.
Their presence is regulated at the transcriptional level of the respective genes.
These changes need to be addressed when considering the more specific and minute changes induced at the transcriptional level by this cytokine.
Several inducible systems have been developed to regulate gene expression at the transcriptional level in a temporal and quantitative manner.