It eventually ended up being transferred to Persia as part of Tenth Army.
This technology was then transferred back to America, as part of the program's industrial partnership.
He is expected to transfer this ownership as part of the sale.
On 10 April 2012, Gu was detained and "transferred to the judicial authorities" as part of the investigation.
The official refused to say how many prisoners had been transferred as part of the program.
They transferred him among prisons in various countries as part of their extraordinary rendition program.
Tolsdorff's unit was then transferred to the Rhineland as part of the army reserve.
Tayibe was transferred to Israel as part of the 1949 cease-fire agreement with Jordan.
In 1895 the left bank of Darvaz was transferred to Afghanistan as part of a border agreement.
Walmsley was then transferred to Japan in 1946 as part of the post-war occupation of that country.