Thus they can graduate high school with an associate degree or transferable credits to a 4 year university along with their high school diploma.
The program also allows for twelve transferable credits to the program.
It also hosts a branch office of Northern Arizona University (NAU) where students to take classes at this campus for transferable credit.
Students receive transferable credit while they live and study abroad in these different programs.
Applicants with fewer than 24 transferable credits must meet the requirements for freshman admission, which includes having their high school transcript and SAT/ACT scores sent.
Students can earn three to six graduate or undergraduate transferable credits.
Each semester contains one of 30 transferable credits, as it has been defined by the E.C.T.S. .
A majority of Texans will be voting for Mr. Bush, and the Electoral College will issue no transferable credits to Al Gore.
She had accumulated 63 transferable credits from her high school studies, and was able to matriculate rapidly at the University of Miami in Miami, Florida.
These voyages lasted 26 days and offered students the opportunity to earn 4-5 transferable credits.