Most of their wealth was spent in non-productive sectors or transferred abroad.
He ordered him to repatriate that money, which had allegedly been transferred abroad.
More than 390 detainees have been transferred abroad from the Guantánamo facility since it was opened amid global controversy in 2002.
As mentioned, the section does not require assets as such to be transferred abroad.
When the union refused to pay its fine, an order was made to sequester the union's assets, but they had already been transferred abroad.
General Chebotarev thinks some $40 billion has been transferred abroad since 1992 and continues at $1 billion a month.
The average annual turnover of students is 25% due to families being transferred to other posts abroad.
Some $935 million of the bank assets was transferred abroad through various systems and $825 million are needed to bail out the bank.
Bank deposits and security holdings were moved into frozen accounts, from which funds could only be transferred abroad with the payment of high penalties.
The trend for outsourcing in the 1990s has led to capital and also expertise being transferred abroad within the world economy.