By the end of the day yesterday, all of its inmates had been moved out, and soon the staff will be transferred as well.
Later, some other areas of Novgorodsky Uyezd were transferred to the military administration as well.
Though focused on the bouncing bow of the violin, with a few grains of salt, these types can be transferred to other media as well.
Thus such divinity could, by anointing, be transferred into men as well.
He said he did not know why he was not transferred as well.
Of course Cardif failed to realize that such a thought pattern would have had to be transferred to him as well.
Those fluctuations of energy can be transferred to the nuclei and other electrons as well.
Rather, the complete memory and personality of the entity who had possessed that knowledge was transferred as well.
Data was transferred to the line printer as a card image as well.
Second, with the transfer of mass between the two binary components, angular momentum is transferred as well.