To replace the 33rd the 58th was activated, but then was transferred to form the 33rd Fighter Group.
The area was transferred to form part of the Tipperary (UK Parliament constituency).
A few years later the new monastery was transferred away from the cave church to form Michaelstein Abbey on the present site.
In the acetalisation reaction, under acidic or basic conditions, an alcohol adds to the carbonyl group and a proton is transferred to form a hemiacetal.
In 1950 the territory of this division was transferred to form part of the West Ham South constituency.
The area was transferred to form part of the Sligo County constituency.
A synthetic genome was transferred into an empty cell to form the bacterium.
Two companies were transferred to the 4th Continental Artillery Regiment on 1 January 1781 to form a 10 company regiment.
The station was subsequently transferred to form part of London Underground's Central Line from 14 December 1947.
This Arabic influence was transferred to form part of the colonial architecture in Chiapas, especially for structures dating from the 16th to 18th centuries.