But our demonization of heroin has transformed otherwise benign and controllable patterns of its use into a lethal gamble and has raised the threshold for seeking help when problems do arise.
"They devised a system of mass production, distribution, marketing and advertising that transformed local patterns of buying and selling and fostered a culture of consumption," she writes.
Despite the string of broken delivery dates, the technological optimists still promise a cornucopia of marvels poised to move markets and transform living patterns.
One dominant theme concerns the ways in which capitalism has transformed emotional patterns, both in the realms of consumption and production.
But the finest pieces transformed banal patterns into personal canvases by adding bizarre motifs, changing the scale of the images or inserting wry mottoes.
Indeed, the vertebrate brain has evolved for governing motor activity with the basic function to transform sensory patterns into patterns of motor coordination.
He started to transform traditional patterns of poetry.
(Ages 5 and up) There's nothing really wrong with this book, it's just that peculiar and amusing things keep happening when you turn the page, transforming cut-out shapes, shadows and patterns.
Many Republicans have lost faith in efforts to transform patterns of behavior, and come to believe that we shouldn't exaggerate how much we can change.
Population shifts, societal alterations, transforming cultural patterns, and a host of other subtle moves recast Utah from an isolated and culturally backward state into an area much more tied to the national mainstream.