It was here that the term ukiyo, or floating world, was coined; formerly a Buddhist metaphor for the transience of mortal existence, it came to describe the pursuit of transient pleasures.
She palmed the gun, glad she had not wasted the clip, for all the transient pleasure it would have given her to destroy the bridge.
Follow not vanity, nor seek the transient pleasures of the sense: The earnest one who meditates derives the highest rapture thence.
Tirilly's paintings are largely autobiographical, each image capturing childhood memories, family relatives, personal hardships, or transient pleasures.
As she died his mother is said to have asked him to find God and avoid being ensnared in transient worldly pleasures.
In fact, it was said in other Spheres that Solarians indulged in sexual activity more for transient personal pleasure than for the extension of the species.
The bhikkhu who renounces the transient pleasures of the world for the eternal bliss of holiness, performs the only miracle that can truly be called a miracle.
Nor is he interested in the transient pleasures of short-term guest conducting.
He himself criticized Chernyshevsky for his view of art, that art must be propagandist; he, rather, declared that only art which serves history, not transient pleasure, is valuable.
In other Christmas poems he admonished his own children to be humble, mindful of their mortality and aloof from transient pleasures.