Count Severin is absent in Egypt, and the housekeeper has permission to let the apartments to transient visitors.
But if this should ever be the case with those who remain and settle among them, it is generally otherwise with respect to travellers and transient visitors.
It was operating at 94 percent of capacity in 1995, with many transient visitors filling slips vacated when home-port vessels were away.
Uncle Noah hastened his shuffling footsteps: the Northern Express with its horde of transient visitors had been a vital part of the inspiration.
All but 23 slips were leased for the summer, with the remaining used for transient visitors.
Normally the town has 40,000 inhabitants but the summertime population is about 150,000, plus thousands of transient visitors from cruise ships.
Some of the guides were written by local residents; others by transient visitors, with the latter falling into the spectrum of Travel literature rather than Guide book.
Everyone from Aristophanes to Isak Dinesen has touched on the idea that we own nothing and are merely transient visitors in an ephemeral universe.
They are meant to distract as well as comfort the transient visitor.
Often they paused by his table with bits of comment, questions about his work, or gossip about some of the more transient visitors at the lodge.