Pitch black hi the transit lane.
Truck ran wildly up and down the transit lanes bawling 'Tiny!
Pitch black in the transit lane.
Adds new transit lanes on SR 99 in Shoreline.
Houston, for example, is building a 20-mile rail system for its densest corridors to complement 75 miles of transit lanes for buses and high-occupancy vehicles.
By July 2006 a series of traffic lights had been installed along Mana Esplanade, along with two transit lanes and to the south.
Present bus services exist in the area running from a park and ride centre, along dedicated transit lanes to the city.
Put us in the transit lane, Chief O'Halley.
Bus turnouts will reduce traffic congestion due to blocked transit lanes from stopped buses.
It consists of between three to five lanes in each direction, including an inbound transit lane reserved for vehicles with two or more occupants during peak hours.