Everyone knows that good writing depends on the internal strength of its meaning, not on "transitional phrases" used by the writer.
Brief transitional phrases may be inserted between strains.
Dvořák has included extra melodic material with two primary themes, two transitional phrases, and two secondary themes.
A "transitional" phrase that characterizes the elements that follow.
"In some of our work I would just do small or transitional phrases, because I felt that that was my area as a rehearsal director."
Your article says the robot recognizes transitional phrases as "indicators of a structured argument."
There are three kinds of transitional phrases: open, closed, and hybrid.
Between independent clauses linked with a transitional phrase or a conjunctive adverb:
Ms. Mutter takes chances: dramatic pauses, lingering transitional phrases and surging tempos.
A lot of ground can be covered that way; time and place present no obstacle that can't be overcome with a transitional phrase.