The above statements about isomorphisms for regular, free and transitive actions are no longer valid for continuous group actions.
The chromatic scale has a free and transitive action of the cyclic group , with the action being defined via transposition of notes.
So BN pairs of rank 1 are more or less the same as doubly transitive actions on sets with more than 2 elements.
Remarkably, the isometry group does not act simply transitively on spacetime, nor does it possess a subgroup with simple transitive action.
It indicates transitive action from 2nd to 3rd person when both arguments are SAPs.
For example the general linear group of 2x2 real invertible matrices has a transitive action on it.
Moreover, the set of spin structures has a free transitive action of H(M, Z).
Book II treats God in his so-called transitive action (action that goes out from him) and thus is a study of creation.
It is easy to see that every connected complex homogeneous manifold equipped with a free, transitive, holomorphic action by a real Lie group is obtained this way.
The ergative suffix is also used as an instrumental marker to show that a noun is being used by the sentence subject to carry out the transitive action.