Or how two artists translate ideas from paper to glass sculpture.
As a designer the challenge lies in translating ideas into a medium which others can see, touch and feel.
He was a man of creative imagination who could translate ideas and thoughts about culture and education into actions.
It has to be as, apart from briefly translating ideas for a new character on to paper, he finds 'there is so little time.
And the simple task of translating ideas into dramatic form seems to have been overlooked.
They sound as if they have the ability to translate the language and ideas of health promotion into a form that other addicts could understand.
That is partly because the enormous investment in the shuttle and space station "have made it extremely difficult to translate new, good ideas into practice."
In the process, one learns how he translates ideas into pictures ( 30 minutes).
As always in the history of the Community, the main challenge is to translate ideas on Europe's future into action.
Their primary role is to translate ideas into lines, to reveal a function, and to visualize a new concept.