Its bytecode is translated into native code or executed by a virtual machine.
Assuming they will, this works as bug magnet as developers increase in speed only rarely translates into good code.
The Shadow rapidly translated the writing into code.
Attribute grammars can also be used to translate the syntax tree directly into code for some specific machine, or into some intermediate language.
What's more, the picture remains unhaunted by "ghosts," which simply don't get translated into digital code.
At first, most broadcasting experts ridiculed the proposal because they were convinced that a video image would require too much data to be translated into digital code.
He says his system can even translate sketches into digital code.
Scripting languages and virtual machines must be translated into native executable code each time the application is executed, imposing a performance penalty.
Unstructured code is more difficult to translate into structured code than already structured code.
The primary goal of the Designer is to help architects create visual models and mappings that can then be translated into code.