As the sunlight rose across the water Kerans gazed down into the green translucent depths, at the warm amnionic jelly through which he swam in his dreams.
Another face appeared suddenly in the translucent depths of the suspended crystal.
"Here comes the fan club," he heard Arleigh say, and the barren faces were suddenly translucent, networked depths of postings and commentary revealed there in baffling organic complexity.
Their translucent depths writhed and interplayed with the nauseating surge of living muck.
The two glided about in the translucent blue depths, keeping in close range of each other.
Through its translucent depths he saw an abundance of catfish, large-mouthed bass, white crappies, known locally as sac-a-lait, and sunfish.
Lying on boughs, tarpaulin, blanket or what have you, he lowers the decoy on a line into the translucent depths and gives it lifelike action with a jigging stick.
It had milky areas in its translucent depths.
They survive as pieces of amber which contain in their translucent golden depths the ancient insects.
Craning over the side, she looked down Bito the translucent blue-green depths and saw the thing as it passed underneath both vessels.