They come in 16 colors, including natural, which actually has a pleasant translucent quality.
Her pale, clear features had taken on a translucent quality under strain.
Her skin was so pale that it had an almost translucent quality; here and there blue arteries ran close to the surface.
In fact, the buildings appear to have a translucent, opalescent quality.
The milky, translucent quality of the light out there hadn't changed much; it was putting up the bags that had made the market so dark.
Known for its translucent qualities stained glass is also available in opaque form.
What they all have in common is a transparent or translucent quality.
The light had that translucent quality that comes from overlooking water.
But unlike a normal guest pass, the front of this one has a liquid, almost translucent quality to it.
He used the paints in unique ways, using the translucent quality of the medium to his full advantage.