The creatures were armored with a platelike, translucent shell.
Black spots on the mantle are visible through translucent shell.
With small, sharp, crepitating sounds, a network of cracks raced through the translucent shell.
Alec's shadow moved in his pod's translucent shell as he checked the instrumentation.
If not, it is a soft, chubby buddy, with a rounded, colorful, translucent back shell.
The bluish white, translucent shell is very small and has an elongate-conic shape.
The windowpane oysters are valued for their translucent shell.
The small, almost translucent shell has an elongate-conic shape.
Among the species in the genus, only the P. placenta has an outer shell translucent enough for commercial use.
The egg capsules of this species are onion-shaped, with thin, brown, translucent shells.