But the biggest and most disruptive controversy is a growing debate over the adequacy of the transmission format for broadcasting digital signals.
The trouble is, Mr. Schmitt's backers prefer a different transmission format, called code-division multiple access.
Sony has been the leading proponent of interlaced transmission formats for digital television, while Microsoft had insisted that only progressive transmissions be used.
Because the transmission format creates a slight delay, conferees find it difficult to interrupt one another.
The transmission format was very similar to DCF77.
TDLs are characterized by their standard message and transmission formats.
Under the agreement reached last week, all 18 of these transmission formats were stripped out of the standard.
With that, each industry was free to decide which transmission formats it would like to use.
Dubbo has 5 television stations that broadcast in both analogue and digital transmission formats :
We will go to higher-speed protocols," he said, referring to faster transmission formats that can pump more information through a wire or cable.