Mothers can transmit AIDS to their infants through breast milk at a far higher rate than previously believed, researchers have found.
For months, she says, she was afraid to eat in her kitchen, not wanting to transmit AIDS to her 14-year-old daughter.
Unlike human blood, such substitutes would not transmit AIDS, hepatitis and other yet-to-be discovered viruses.
Forms of intimate contact that can transmit AIDS include sexual activity and any sort of situation that allows blood from one person to enter another.
Vaccines spoil without refrigeration and require syringes, which can transmit AIDS.
Is it a probability that fighters could transmit AIDS while fighting?
Some speakers said that direct contact with the body fluids or blood of an infected person could also transmit AIDS.
"If you could transmit AIDS by talking, everyone would have it and Santa does nothing more than talk to children," he said.
"I was wondering, if you're drinking behind a person or smoking behind a person, can you transmit AIDS that way?"
It is not true that mosquitoes can transmit AIDS to people.