Two-way radio consists of at least two devices (typically portable and hand-held) that are capable of transmitting and receiving communications to each other, using radio waves.
The hardest thing in the world is to transmit communications between two parties who are both pleased or two parties who are both angry.
The Chairman may also transmit communications to the service commanders from the President.
There are 6 transmitter stations, which take turns transmitting time signals and other communications.
Directing the attorney general to transmit to the House of Representatives certain documents, records, memos, correspondence, and other communications regarding medical malpractice reform
In 2004, the unit began to receive the new Theatre Deployable Communications gear, technology designed to transmit and receive communications anywhere in the world.
Spectrum access refers to the electromagnetic spectrum, which is a set of frequency bands that transmit electronic communications.
Initially Philip thought the Navajo language could be used unmodified to transmit military communications, using conversational Navajo.
One of the easiest and, arguably, the most difficult to trace security vulnerabilities is achievable by transmitting unauthorized communications over specific radio frequencies.
Anyway, nine of the kids have the ability to transmit communications, but never developed it because they can talk.