This group of animals does not transmit rabies but can spread other diseases through biting.
Dogs transmit rabies and canine distemper, and in 2010 killed 106 individuals (approximately 40% of the Bale population).
"Unlike bats, which also transmit rabies, they live on the ground, and they are very sociable."
They also claim ferrets have never been shown to transmit rabies.
They can also transmit rabies, an acute viral infection of the nervous system.
Monkeys can transmit rabies and herpes B, among other diseases, to human victims.
"They don't have to bite you to transmit rabies," put in his younger sister Hanny, sticking her head around the door behind her mother.
Otherwise, squirrels are safe neighbors that appear to pose almost zero risk of transmitting rabies.
Bats may also transmit rabies to humans.
Animal bites inflicted by some animals, including carnivorans and bats can transmit rabies.