The first transmitted message from space to Earth was:
He received the transmitted message just as he had landed upon a plain and was about to disembark.
The telegraph receiver's operator would watch the bubbles and could then record the transmitted message, albeit at a very low baud rate.
The operator was writing a transmitted message and was oblivious to the Executioner's entry.
He'd been looking and reading absentmindedly for more than forty-five minutes when he caught the word "submarine" in a transmitted message.
These two protocols break up transmitted messages into packets of small data units and route them to a specified destination.
Apart from GPS location, the transmitted messages also include information about the vehicle and which trip it is doing.
No transmitted message can be sent through a hyperspace tube.
In an analog channel model, the transmitted message is modelled as an analog signal.
The transmitted message contains details of all that the satellite has to do in the next period, in particular to implement the survey.