The instantaneous power of the transmitted pulse is .
The transmitted pulse, 2000 microseconds long, is coded, or tagged, by being passed through a tapped delay line which may reverse the phase at 20-microsecond intervals.
The spatial resolution is mainly determined by the duration of the transmitted pulse, with a 100ns pulse giving 10m resolution being a typical value.
To store each received pulse for later comparison it was passed through a transmission line, delaying it by exactly the time between transmitted pulses.
The measuring of chirped signals is equivalently bound to bandwidth of the transmitted pulses.
In this way, the transmitted pulse of RF radiation is kept to a defined and usually very short duration.
In this way, the transmitted pulse is intrapulse-modulated and the radar receiver must use pulse compression techniques.
Each transmitted pulse will contain about 3000 carrier cycles and the velocity and range ambiguity values for such a system would be:
In electronics and telecommunications, pulse shaping is the process of changing the waveform of transmitted pulses.
By filtering the transmitted pulses this way, the intersymbol interference caused by the channel can be kept in control.