Also, Iranian Defense Minister Ahmad Vahidi reiterated that "transnational forces" have no place in the Persian Gulf region.
However, Vahidi did reiterate that "transnational forces" have no place in the Persian Gulf region.
The transnational force of immigration defines Miami as a growing metropolis, and the 20th century Cuban influx has greatly affected Miami's growth.
It ushered in the modern state system that governs our world - the very system that is now, 350 years later, being undermined by transnational forces like the euro, the Internet and Amnesty International.
Similarly, transnational forces may be mainly responsive to these international financial organizations, or to the governments of the countries who control them, or to 'disinterested' international bureaucrats trying to sort out the mess.
And both becoming less important daily on Mars itself, as UNOMA and the transnational forces took over town after town.
Wu was also going to try to get transnational forces ordered back to Earth, though that, Frank noted, would be impossible.
Despite the various transnational forces, technology development by American companies remains far less internationalized than manufacturing and sales.
Homophobic violence and the spread of HIV must be viewed as a product of these transnational forces.
The democracy dilemma will have to be addressed with new, transnational countervailing forces, growing out of the growing pains.