International agencies, starting with the United Nations, and transnational nongovernmental organizations are a place to start.
The distinctions between international and transnational organization is not universal and has been criticized by some scholars (ex.
There are countless regional and transnational organizations that set standards, send peacekeepers and monitor human rights.
Terminology here is still emerging, and "transnational group" could include not only terrorist groups but also transnational criminal organization.
A third development is the growth and elaboration of transnational military organizations.
The most notable transnational socialist organization was the Second International.
It is primarily a federation of national and transnational organizations.
We as a European Parliament, representatives of a transnational organisation, should not allow this to continue.
These kinds of transnational criminal organizations are a threat to our rule of law.
Lawfare, or political action through transnational or non-governmental organizations can effect a policy change that would be impossible otherwise.