This direction continues also on 'Gold Afternoon Fix' in an even more transparent fashion.
The Task Force will operate in a transparent fashion, in an open, two-way dialogue directly with the American people or any interested party.
They can be worn over dresses or skirts and, perhaps most usefully, can add an opaque layer to all the thin, transparent fashions of spring.
The funds were to be managed in an open, transparent fashion.
So Microsoft may have done default things, like made the whole external hard drive, external to the VM, available in a transparent fashion.
In a true "transparent" fashion, Caijing rebutted with a responding statement.
But in order for it to work, it must operate in a far more transparent and standardized fashion than it does now.
Furthermore, we do not believe to any degree that capitalism can work in a transparent and equitable fashion.
What is more, we shall do this in a transparent fashion.
He knows how to inform the public, and communicates in a relaxed and transparent fashion with the European Parliament.