As he looked up, he saw the air ambulance hoverjet through the transparent hull, coming in for a landing.
The fallen flash was submerged, but it sent a thread of light through Needle's transparent hull and into the lava beyond.
Keith looked around through the travel pod's transparent hull.
Strands of cloud rushed up past the capsule's transparent hull, thickening fast.
It turns out you can make the whole hull transparent, or just part of it, the way it was when we found it.
He looked through the ship's transparent hull again, his eyes focusing on the volume between himself and the arterial wall.
"Well..." The hardware that filled the transparent hull was very tightly packed.
Above, through the transparent hull, the light show continued.
He looked through the transparent hull of the sarcophagus, toward the distant stars.
There was even a kind of flying track with a transparent hull.