McCoy wore a small, transparent lens over his left eye.
Blinders are opaque and prevent forward vision, unlike similar devices called spectacles which have transparent lenses.
And those lenses, transparent though they were, somehow concealed the thoughts and emotions behind them.
Nor is he a critic who aspires to be a pane of glass, the transparent lens that delivers a sharper focus.
Older people also have reduced levels of retinal illuminance, such as having smaller pupils and less transparent crystalline lenses.
The sedan's taillights now use transparent lenses with amber bulbs for the turn signals, rather than red lenses.
It is a gas mask for the flight crew that would be connected to the aircraft's computer systems, with an embedded display on its transparent lens.
The user would flip down a transparent lens that was designed to reflect the game images into the user's right eye.
Underwater diving masks using a single flat transparent lens usually have the lens surface several centimeters from the eyes.
In this case, rather than transparent lenses, the shapes formed are tiny curved reflectors.