Then, transpirational cooling of leaves would decline and leaf temperature and transpiration rate per unit g would rise.
Fresh chestnuts have a very high water content: superior to 52%, and a high transpiration rate similar to that of potatoes and onions.
Because of their high water content, transpiration rates and consequent loss weight, the nuts react as fresh fruits (not as nuts).
This rise in temperature altered the transpiration rates and is believed to be causing the area to become more arid.
The epidermal cell walls are impregnated with a film layer of silicon and effective barrier against water loss, cuticular transpiration rate in the organs.
To measure transpiration rate directly, rather than the rate of water uptake, utilize a scientific instrument which quantifies water transfer at the leaves.
This must have allowed for better transpiration rates and gas exchange.
Dry Air- Results in high transpiration rate, e.g. on moors, high mountains, hot deserts.
If the ground is frozen deeply, the roots cannot take up any water and a warm sunny day with wind will increase transpiration rates.
Soil water supply and soil temperature can influence stomatal opening, and thus transpiration rate.