Convicted along with the private company were four transplant doctors, a nephrologist, two transplant administrative coordinates, and a translator.
To reduce the incidence of the complication, transplant doctors removed T cells from donated marrow before giving it to patients.
Wasn't that just what the transplant doctors had done?
Still, there is enormous mistrust of the medical establishment in Japan, and this has made politicians hesitant to give transplant doctors greater flexibility.
In a sense, the transplant doctor's duty devolves to the organ and not to the patient.
In any event, many transplant doctors share the team's view that a patient's criminal record should not determine eligibility for surgery.
Mr. Mitchell said he knows of many transplant doctors who dip into their own pockets to help patients pay for the drugs.
Ms. Phillips picked up the phone and called the transplant doctors.
Dr. Teperman said the cases galvanized transplant doctors and health officials.
But his former wife, who is caring for him, said she was furious when the transplant doctors had recommended was denied.