Future uses may be found in transplant procedures and in post-heart attack treatment.
The transplant procedure leaves patients sterile, so there is no worry about birth defects, she said.
It is touted as a leader in both the numbers of transplant procedures performed and success rates.
Hyperacute rejection happens within minutes to hours after the transplant procedure.
And yet, because of the drama (and, perhaps, romance) involved in the transplant surgical procedure, no one seems to question these costs.
To learn more about amazing transplant procedures, take a look at how face transplants work.
Ms. Curran opposed the testing, saying the transplant procedure would be too painful.
Medical personnel will also spend about an hour with you and your spouse, describing the transplant procedure and answering questions.
I read up on that transplant procedure on your captain after you invited me to hold this little kaffeeklatsch.
Under the new system a surgeon at one hospital will be allowed to perform a transplant procedure at another.