He was responsible for management of the board investigation of major cases, for the law enforcement at the transport agencies and in the defense industry.
A Swedish driver's license, issued by the transport agency, is also accepted as an identity document.
Each transport agency is required to pursue its statutory object consistent with the vision and the objectives.
The Act requires transport agencies and other decision makers to have regard to broader social, economic and environmental considerations.
It serves to inform all parties, including transport agencies, government authorities, and customers, about the contents of the package.
Successful tertiary travel plans are usually prepared with the assistance of the local public transport agency.
The transport agency said that despite regular maintenance checks, inspectors had failed to detect the loose concrete.
A special committee oversaw the effectivity of the Swedish transport agencies during 2008 and 2009.
Local transport agencies should be asked to consider changes in timetabling or re-routing where this might be to the benefit of staff.
The Act no longer contains provisions which establish transport agencies.