In all, 42 aircraft were taken and used for light transport duty wherever needed.
"You've got to take over the transport duties for the clinic," said Riker.
Ikwaskwan's not fool enough to send all of us on transport duty.
Immediately after the vehicle reached the Eastern front, the combat units started using it for general transport duties.
The aircraft will be able to perform regular transport duties and also deploy paratroopers.
Tu-4s withdrawn from front line units were used for transport duties.
Her patrol, escort, and transport duty continued as the drive for Guadalcanal pressed on to victory.
She sailed on transport duties between Iceland and Britain until the beginning of 1944.
In 1942 the B-18 survivors were relegated to antisubmarine or transport duty.
With the end of the war, she continued her transport duty returning 20,332 troops from Europe in eight voyages.