A travel mug (introduced in the 1980s) generally employs thermal insulation properties for transporting hot or cold liquids.
Used as a warning system on the external surface of dewars (to transport cryogenic liquids) to indicate tilt being too much.
A tanker is a ship designed to transport liquids in bulk.
A pipeline is a long tube, that is used to transport liquids or gases over long distances.
Liquids are relatively incompressible, so the main action of a pump is to transport liquids.
Drums, usually made of metal or plastic - commonly used for transporting liquids and powders or goods that need to be kept dry.
The object of the pump is to move solid materials as simply as pipelines now transport liquids and gas.
It may also be used to transport liquids.
Pipelines transporting hazardous liquids or gases warrant special care in design, construction, and operation.
The technique is also valuable for detecting cracks forming in pressure vessels and pipelines transporting liquids under high pressures.