A crooked cop had concealed Joe's past and was using him as an unsuspecting drug mule to transport narcotics.
The officers also told him they suspected him of transporting narcotics, and then confined him in a small, enclosed room.
At times, garbage scows have been used to secretly transport illegal narcotics.
Indianapolis set up the drug roadblocks six times in 1998, stopping 1,161 cars and making 55 arrests for transporting narcotics as well as 49 arrests for other misconduct.
His son John was imprisoned in 2008 for transporting illegal narcotics and illegal aliens into the United States from Mexico.
Instrumentalities are property that was allegedly used to facilitate crime, for example cars allegedly used to transport illegal narcotics.
The Albanian Mafia reportedly uses specific trading routes to transport narcotics and illegal immigrants to Italy.
Local "assets" - Laotians employed by C.I.A. agents - were soon transporting narcotics on the airline.
Do not pick up hitchhikers; they pose a threat to your physical safety and also put you in danger of being arrested for unwittingly transporting narcotics.
The two agents grew suspicious, later stating that she appeared to have the characteristics of a person unlawfully transporting narcotics.