They burrow under the bark, feeding on woody capillary tissue that the tree uses to transport nutrients.
Cases are even known where mycorrhizal fungi can transport nutrients from one plant to another, stabilizing the recipient.
These various fluid-filled spaces, in addition to transporting nutrients around the body, also function as both a respiratory and an excretory system.
But transport roots have the ability to transport nutrients and water upward to the leaves.
The body's own hormone insulin is produced in the pancreas and is responsible for transporting nutrients from the blood into the cells.
Unlike eukaryotes, they lack sophisticated internal structures to transport nutrients and wastes, relying instead on diffusion.
Vertically migrating zooplankton can also actively transport nutrients to different zones of the water column.
Tidal currents can transport nutrients to underwater wildlife increasing the variety and density of that life at the site.
This family is also known for their role in cell maturation by transporting essential nutrients to developing embryos.
These can transport nutrients which plankton thrive on.