The Ford Motor Company closed five of its plants for at least a week because it could not transport enough parts across the Canadian border.
What does it take to crawl in human waste through the sewers of the Vilna ghetto to transport parts of a single machine gun?
The 2-axle goods wagons were used to transport ballast, tools and parts.
Transported C-54 engines and parts for use in the airlift.
The simulation included attacks in the United States by terrorist sleeper agents who blew up express delivery companies that were transporting military spare parts.
This mission was called the "Goliath" and was constantly transporting C-54 engines and parts for use in the airlift.
To speed up delivery of the 787's major components, Boeing modified four used 747-400s into 747 Dreamlifters to transport 787 wings, fuselage sections, and other smaller parts.
The sections of the plant were joined by a company-designed trolley system used to transport parts.
The most transporting parts of "The Book of Illusions" are those that simply consider Hector's life and work.
Later in life Goldsmith became a pilot and, flying primarily a Cessna 421, transported engines and parts to and from races.