If your business needs to transport large quantities but there is no pressure to deliver quickly, shipping by sea may be suitable.
Arcturus is home to the great Arcturan megafreighters, automated cargo carriers that transport vast quantities of goods between star systems.
These winds picked up and transported large quantities of loose, fine-grained sediment brought down by the glaciers.
Pipelines are generally the most economical way to transport large quantities of oil, refined oil products or natural gas over land.
Glass pipettes are used to transport precise quantities of fluids.
It has become an asset to international relief organizations for its ability to quickly transport huge quantities of emergency supplies during disaster relief operations.
Supertankers are one of the three preferred methods for transporting large quantities of oil, along with pipeline transport and rail.
Although slow, modern sea transport is a highly efficient method of transporting large quantities of goods.
Lines must be booked (or scheduled) in advance for transporting bought-and-sold quantities of electricity.
Historically, Jewish communities used letters of credit to transport large quantities of money without the risk of theft from at least classical times.