The APMs will arrive at the Coliseum BART station every 4 minutes and are designed to transport travelers to the airport in about eight minutes with an on-time performance of more than 99 percent.
There could be other theories - the earth could be flat, with invisible forces transporting travelers backward.
To transport travelers across the frontier, a new high-speed quad was built at Mineral Basin in Snowbird, bridging that lofty bowl with Albion Basin in Alta.
One of the most famous trains in the world, Eurostar transports travelers from the center of Paris directly to the heart of London, passing through 52 kilometers of the Channel Tunnel in only 20 minutes.
Any observer foolhardy enough to jump through its central opening ran the risk of altering history; the time portal instantly transported travelers back to whatever world and time requested.
One of his business ideas was to build a balloon factory, and use the prevailing westerly winds to transport travelers across state lines to Buffalo, New York.
Poughkeepsie is a 15-20 minute drive east of New Paltz, and taxis and UCAT buses are available to transport travelers to and from New Paltz.
During the busy season there were several ferry boats and steamboats available to transport travelers to the Kansas shore where they started their travels westward.
In Virginia's colonial period, Rosslyn's shoreline contained a landing for Awbrey's ferry, which transported travelers to and from Georgetown.
In the 1880's, a railway was built near the bustling dock to transport travelers to the Catskill Mountain House, the chief resort on the eastern slope of the Catskill Mountains.