Engines hummed beneath the transportation depot.
Others who planned to travel between cities or continents headed for the central transportation depot as well.
Virtually every department store, museum, sports stadium, transportation depot, hospital, nightclub and hotel in the city has anywhere from a single drawer to an entire room devoted to things people are looking for.
South of the Laboratory, the Army was taking over the Rose Bowl golf course as a transportation depot and supply dump.
The police action in Szczecin, which evidently cleared cleared three of five transportation depots of striking workers, appeared to be in line with this request.
In 1852 it was used as a penal transportation depot, and in 1853 it was a factory for transportee clothing.
A lake at the center of the site's infrastructure will separate regional camps from the arena, action areas, transportation depot, and other traditional core areas.
Due to the towns location along the important aterial road the Bruce Highway the town hosts some transportation depots which are critical in the effective distribution of a variety of goods across the region.
And it is designing three such intermodal centers - as the transportation depots are often called by governments and architects - for New Jersey Transit.
Furthermore, he sees himself through a coin-operated tower viewer at a distance playing cards with Paulie, presumably at a transportation depot.