The search engines at can help travelers find a place to stay and public transportation schedules for some regions can help them find their way up the mountain.
After all, they were motivated enough to have volunteered for this after-school program, which meant they had to juggle transportation schedules and chores like baby-sitting for siblings.
For Saritha Komatireddy, a Let's Go writer currently in Vietnam, the biggest challenge was getting used to the local transportation schedules.
Home furnishings provides more exposure to store operations and logistics than other merchandise categories, Ms. Kronick said, because managers must understand transportation schedules, delivery service and warehouses.
Going places without a car, of course, means checking public transportation schedules.
It has all the expected online tourism information: maps, transportation schedules, fees, hours, concerts, sound-and-light shows and special exhibitions.
In 2000 he began creating the single panel cartoon Rutetid (a pun on "transportation schedule" and "time for a panel"), published in Pondus and other publications.
Then again, the Confed was not known for the brilliance of its transportation schedules.
Other examples: Getting information on mountain huts (hija), or even transportation schedules outside of Sofia.
NetBus or Netbus is a mobile application providing real time information regarding public transportation schedule.