A transportation unit would move the worker to where they need to go.
The rifle was unveiled in 2012 alongside a series of military vehicles and transportation units.
The redesignation provided a link with renowned transportation units of the past.
The company was one of the first transportation units sent to Korea, and they remained there until well after the war as an occupation force.
A member of a transportation unit, "I just got stuck in the sand," she told her father.
"We seem to be the only available aerial transportation unit," he said, managing a sort of a smile.
The top overtime recipient last year was an officer who worked in the jail's transportation unit.
But state officials said the troops were part of a transportation unit summoned to help workers return in the event the park was reopened.
His initiation into the war takes place as a soldier in a transportation unit in the winter of 1942-43.
The total manpower including transportation units, depot regiments, and military police was 150,000.