Marijuana has traditionally been used in Jamaica, but more sinister, the island is increasingly used as a transshipment center by Colombian dealers feeding America's insatiable demand for narcotics.
The Suez Canal Container Terminal, a transshipment centre for the Eastern Mediterranean at the Northern entrance to the Suez Canal.
In an attempt to facilitate trade, in 1995 the Executive Yuan approved the construction of an offshore transshipment center at the port of Kaohsiung through which direct shipping with the mainland China would be permitted.
Only with the execution of Gonzalo Pizarro in 1548 did Spain succeed in reasserting its authority; later that year, colonial authorities established the city of La Paz, which soon became an important commercial and transshipment center.
Foreign terminal operators, on the other hand, have benefited by running several lower-cost port operations around the world in places such as Hong Kong, Singapore and Dubai, all of which have become huge export and transshipment centers for international trade.
But it turned down a bid from United Parcel Services to build a transshipment center there because the automated facility would generate few jobs for the space it would take up.
It serves as a key refueling and transshipment center, and is the principal maritime port for imports to and exports from neighboring Ethiopia.
Around 1350 a shipping canal, the Rotterdamse Schie was completed, which provided Rotterdam access to the larger towns in the north, allowing it to become a local transshipment centre between Holland, England and Germany, and to urbanize.
Post served in World War II as a lieutenant, temporary major, and commandant of the transshipment centre at Terowie, South Australia, an important staging point on the overland supply route to Darwin.
Numph was sitting at his upholstered desk, looking out through the pressure dome at the distant transshipment center.